Geranium: Benefits and Uses

Geranium Essential Oil (pelargonium graveolens) is created from the steam distillation of the plant’s leaves.  It is considered a middle-note oil, used in blends to enhance the oils it is with, and is often called “poor-man’s rose” for it’s similar floral smell and healing properties. If you don’t have Rose Essential Oil on hand, reach for the Geranium! Geranium is often used by women for strengthening hair, as natural deodorant, and to ease symptoms of PMS due to its anti-inflammatory  and anti-depressant properties.

Emotional Benefits

In addition to the physical benefits of Geranium Essential Oil, it has great aromatic benefits as well. It can have a strong uplifting and relaxing effect, to aid in combating feelings of being neglected, anxious, stressed, and hormonally imbalanced. The aroma has been known to bring feelings of calm, joy, and hope.

Complimentary Oils

Geranium Essential Oil is a sweet floral oil that combines well with many oils, including Lavender,  Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Grapefruit, Lime, Rosemary and Patchouli.

Popular Uses of Geranium Essential Oil

  • Apply topically to small cuts and wounds to keep clean and possibly aid in tissue repair.
  • When dealing with symptoms of PMS or hormone imbalances, apply topically to abdomen as needed, and diffuse aromatically.
  • Massage onto skin in coconut oil to keep skin hydrated (moisturizer) and perhaps minimize wrinkles/stretch marks.
  • For support of the liver, pancreas, and kidneys, apply topically to areas of concern.

Safety: While Geranium is considered generally safe to apply without a carrier for adults, be sure to  dilute for children (recommended 6+) and sensitive skin.

Oil of the Month Club

Geranium is this month’s Oil of the Month. What does that mean? You can get Geranium (and other premium oils in future months) by signing up for the Oil of the Month Club. Each month a 15 ml bottle of 100% pure essential oil is sent to you at a discounted rate of $15.99/month, including tax and shipping. There are no obligations, contracts, or fees when you sign up, and membership can be canceled/reactivated anytime. It’s a great way to build up your high-end oils on a budget. Check it out today!

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